Craignaw and the Dungeon Hills

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Large Map of the Galloway Hills
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Characteristic rocky terrain on Craignaw with Minnigaff Hills in the distance Characteristic rocky terrain on Craignaw with Minnigaff Hills in the distance Characteristic rocky terrain on Craignaw with Minnigaff Hills in the distance
16 As you get onto the top of Craignaw the contest of rock versus vegetation becomes unequal in favour of rock - and trapped pools are found everywhere. The pools have their own beauty too if you take time to look in them - as below. That is of course the dark profile of the Minnigaff Hills that you see in the picture above, and you can just see Craiglee at the left edge of the picture - another spectacular place to go for bare rock, immense boulders and trapped water.
Detail of Terrain
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