Hill walk routes to climb in SW Scotland - also coastal paths and National Scenic Areas with maps, pictures and other useful information based on extensive local knowledge
North Manor Hills
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Broad Law, Cramalt Craig and the Stanhope Burn from Taberon Law. Broad Law, Cramalt Craig and the Stanhope Burn from Taberon Law. Broad Law, Cramalt Craig and the Stanhope Burn from Taberon Law.
11 In the above picture we have a similar view as on page 10 of Cramalt and Broad Law, but now we can see down into the head of the Stanhope Burn. The patchy hill in the foreground in front of Broad Law is Hunt Law.
In the picture below we are looking about 30 degrees further to the right than in the picture above (ie. SSW now) and the regularly shaped triangular hill on the left is Queensberry with the Durisdeer hills lying to the right of it. Who needs land artists when heather burning produces images like this?
View of Queensbery and the Durisdeer hills from Taberon Law.
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