Hill walk routes to climb in SW Scotland - also coastal paths and National Scenic Areas with maps, pictures and other useful information based on extensive local knowledge
Beninner, Cairnsmore of Carsphairn and Moorbrock
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Windy Standard and surrounding hills from the cairn on Beninner. Windy Standard and surrounding hills from the cairn on Beninner. Windy Standard and surrounding hills from the cairn on Beninner.
09 Looking north from Beninner in the picture above we can see the many windmills on Windy Standard and on the ridges which run northwards from it , Jedburgh Knees and Polwhat Rig.
In the second picture we have zoomed in for a closer look at Windy Standard. The hill in the foreground with the trees on it is Keoch Rig and this leads up onto Moorbrock Hill from left to right as we cross the picture.
Swinging the camera a bit further to the right in the third picture to look north east we get a jumble of hills which are a bit hard to sort out. Mouseover the picture to see the names of the hills.
Windy Standard from Beninner
Looking north east from the cairn on Beninner.
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