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Around Mulberry Harbour Remains Garlieston
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Clump of wild carrot at Cruggleton Castle Clump of wild carrot at Cruggleton Castle Clump of wild carrot at Cruggleton Castle
26 When you see this plant as in the picture above in one big clump it does not look particularly elegant or beautiful for colour or shape. But as we get in closer - as in the first picture below we can see the multiple stocks of the flower head like an umbrella, the hairy stem and the unusual spiky leaves. At first I wondered if there were two different types of plant here because the heads look so different - the white and the yellow.
In the second picture below however you can see what looks like three different stage of development of the same type of flower head.
What we see in the third picture it seems is the stage after flowering when the plant goes to seed. It is like a crown of thorns although the popular name for it in Britain is Bird's Nest, apparently - which again is quite understandable. It really is quite an amazing structure.
I am sure this is Wild Carrot and is believed to be the plant from which the various kinds of table carrots have been evolved under cultivation. To see more informationa about wild carrot and it's uses click here.
Flower of the wild carrot
Flower heads of wild carrot developing
Flower heads of wild carrot developing
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