Hill walk routes to climb in SW Scotland - also coastal paths and National Scenic Areas with maps, pictures and other useful information based on extensive local knowledge
Around Mulberry Harbour Remains Garlieston
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Past the wartime remains and heading through the woods for Innerwell Fishery Past the wartime remains and heading through the woods for Innerwell Fishery Past the wartime remains and heading through the woods for Innerwell Fishery

15 Once past the war remains we have quite a distance to go through woods again before we get to Innerwell Fishery. It took us fully 2 hours to get to Innerwell from Garlieston, but then of course we were nosing it at this and that as we went. We returned by road in less than an hour - with not a lot of interesting stuff to detain us.
The picture below shows the bay at Innerwell Fishery, looking south towards the trees we have just come up through and the second picture below shows the view north with a house right on the shore almost.

View of the bay at Innerwell Fishery
View north along the shore at Innerwell Fishery
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