Hill walk routes to climb in SW Scotland - also coastal paths and National Scenic Areas with maps, pictures and other useful information based on extensive local knowledge
Lamachan and the Minnigaff Hills
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View of routes onto Mulldonnoch avoiding cliffs on White Bennan View of routes onto Mulldonnoch avoiding cliffs on White Bennan View of routes onto Mulldonnoch avoiding cliffs on White Bennan

02 I have pinched this picture from an earlier walk because it is quite good for showing where to go up the tricky bit past White Bennan. As you can see you go through trees below it and of course it is impossible to say just exactly where the paths through the trees are from this distance, but the red route is approximately the way I went up. However instead of skirting round the bottom of White Bennan to get to the west of it, we have in the past gone up east of it as shown on the blue route to the left of the picture. It is up to you how adventurous you feel. It is the red route which takes you over the scene of the battle though.
Before we can ascend either of these routes we have to get round the head of Loch Trool first.
In the picture below I have zoomed in on White Bennan for a better look. You will notice that there is a break in the trees running straight down the hill west of White Bennan. You will see down through that gap in the trees on page 6

View of routes onto Mulldonnoch avoiding cliffs on White Bennan - detail